Það er ekkert grín að vera ég
Akureyri Art Museum, Iceland
The Exhibition Spaces 2, 3, 5

The exhibition "Það er ekkert grín að vera ég" (It's No Joke Being Me) opens at the Akureyri Art Museum on September 28, marking a significant moment for Georgs Óskars. This is his first solo exhibition in Iceland in several years, and there is no more fitting location than his hometown of Akureyri to end this exhibition hiatus.

Spanning three spaces within the museum, the exhibition is his largest to date in both scale and thematic depth. "Það er ekkert grín að vera ég" offers a fresh perspective on everyday life, revealing the complexity beneath the surface of the mundane. Óskars’ works serve as a visual diary, reflecting his personal experiences and thoughts in a way that invites viewers to see the familiar in a new light.

The exhibition marks his return to Iceland after living abroad since 2014, and it will include a range of works, from large-scale paintings to smaller pieces, as well as a gallery dedicated solely to his drawings and typewritten texts, many of which have been crafted on his Monica typewriter over the years. These texts include both fictional narratives inspired by real events and reflections grounded in reality.

The title of the exhibition, "Það er ekkert grín að vera ég," encourages introspection and explores the complexities of personality and experience. It suggests that behind every individual lies a series of untold stories and challenges, often hidden from the view of others. The title hints at the tension between how people present themselves—sometimes through humor, lightness, or even denial—and the more profound realities they live with privately.

At its core, the phrase "It's No Joke Being Me" can be understood as a statement of sincerity and authenticity. While humor and irony are often employed to navigate the difficulties of life, the exhibition suggests that being true to oneself is no simple task. It calls for a deeper reflection on what it means to inhabit one’s own skin, acknowledging the delicate balance between lightness and darkness, laughter and tears.

Through this exhibition, Óskars invites the audience to contemplate the complexities of existence, reminding them that everyone’s personal experience, no matter how imperfect or intricate, deserves to be taken seriously.
